Monday, May 25, 2009

Goodbye to Africa

I know that I have previoiusly used these pictures but, I wanted to put a couple of my favorite pictures with what may be my last post. I will hopefully be able to add more but, I might not have internet for too much longer. I felt as though I should at least make this last posting just in case. So, here it is.
My time here in Kenya.
Would I recommend someone to come to Kenya? The answer is yes, I would only with a different organization. I have enjoyed my time here & I wouldn’t change anything that has taken place. That being said I can’t say that I don’t wish some things would have turned out differently. I do feel as though I have been misused & underutilized. I came here to help people in need & I don’t really feel as though I was given that opportunity. I have met some truly amazing & inspiring people during my time here & for that reason I don’t regret, or wish that I could take anything back. I believe that we are put in certain places for a reason. We may not know or understand those reasons at the time & we may not ever know but, there is always a reason. Thinking that has helped me pull through at my darkest moments. I came here in hopes of being able to change or make a difference in at least one person’s life. Have I done that? No, I don’t believe that I have. However, I don’t think I will ever know that for sure. Maybe, I didn’t come here to change someone. Maybe, I came here to change or be changed myself. I believe that this has been accomplished & I will never be the same person as I was when I left. These experiences & people have changed my life forever, so for that I can’t be upset by the mishaps that have gone on.
To: Pertet, Maureen, Peter, Mtush, Aggrey, Mike, Melissa, Hussein, DeVette, Amy, Nic, Raquel, the children from the New Life Mission Home & everyone from the Mlolongo Care Centre. I thank you for making my time here more enjoyable & changing my life in one way or another. You have truly made a difference in my life & that is something that is more valuable to me than all the money in the world. I will never forget any of you & the impact that you have made on me. I have made really good friends with some of you & I hope that these friendships will last throughout the years.
I hope that this country will one day be able to get on the right track & I believe that with help from all of us it will eventually get there someday. It's people like you & I who can truly make a difference.


  1. Wow! I am so happy you can see the value in your experience despite some disappointments. Thanks for sacrificing and giving to try to bring change to people in need. I am sure they will always remember your contributions big or small. Just being there has created ripples in both yours and their lives. I am very happy to hear your gratitude and look forward to having you home. Love you.

  2. This is so beautiful. Once again I am so proud of you. Just as these people have touched your life you have made a wonderful impression on theirs. Many of us only dream of doing things like this. You actually carried through and completed the journey. You have given a wonderful gift and your growth has been amazing. You are an inspiration to many in this world. I love you!

  3. Shawn this is powerful. I could not be more proud of you. I have missed you and I look forward to having you home.

    Great work.

  4. Katie said...
    Shawn you have an amazing persective. Thank you for your example and your choice to be loving after all is said and done. You are right, you will never forget this experience and you will be a better person because of it because YOU will choose to be. And you never really know the impact you make, but I really believe it is much more than you imagine, even with the things that have held you back on this trip. I love you.
