Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is the lady that cooks & cleans for us. She is also the one who I was ready to murder the other day. We had a little bit of a communication breakdown. We didn't have running water for over 2 days & we have to use bottled water for drinking anyway. When I went to get some water I noticed that she had gone to the well and got water. I didn't know which was which so, I asked what container the good water was in & she ended up telling me the wrong thing. Meaining that I drank their country crap water that I'm not supposed to drink. I'm still not very happy with her about the whole thing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Daily welcome

These pictures are a little out of order. They were taken on my last day at the Mlolongo Care Centre. This is how I was greeted everyday upon my arrival. They would all run towards the gate when they saw me coming & as soon as I came through the gate they would all try to hold my hands & walk to me to the office.
You can also see that Nic had a hard time keeping his finger from being in the picture.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Welcomed with Singing

On our first day at the New Life Mission Home part of their welcoming us was to sing.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Maybe this is what we used back in the days but, it was a little new to me. A towel with a plastic garbage sack around it

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kids from New Life Mission Home

Kodomo & Stacey. Stacey, seems to have some type of disability. Melissa I are thinking that it might be due to fetal alcohol syndrome.
Peter- He is 9 years old & he likes to fake cry to draw attention. We've started noticing little things that all these kids to draw attention to themselves. They seem to feel like they have to do something otherwise they will just get lost in the mix.

I don't even know this girls name. She was playing with this big knife though & I just felt like I had to get a picture & post it.
It's hard to remember all of their names because they all have African names & American names. It's also hard to indentify what gender they are because, some boys end up having to wear girl clothes & vice versa. Then they all get their heads shaved to avoid lice making it even harder to tell.

left to right: Kantai & Milia. Notice the girl shirt on Kantai.

Joseph is 9 months old. He was found abandoned by a river.

Sara is 9 months old. She ended up in the home because, her mother is in prison for killing the 3 year old sister.

Melissa holding Elizabeth

Twins: Susie & Komo.


In front Peter & in back another kid that I don't know. Peter is probably my favorite one. He always likes to be around me but, isn't so rambunctious that he drives me a little insane like a lot of them do. He always asks for a big hug from Melissa & always wants to hold my hand or sit on my lap.
At one point during the fisrt day at this new home I had about 5 kids sitting on my lap & 2 others hanging on my back.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Initially we weren't able to see the leopard because, they try to remain unseen. However, one of the guys that worked at the park took us into a restricted area so that we could see her. We were able to get pretty close to it with nothing but a 30 ft. chain link fence between us. Even with the fence between us it was pretty intense to be that close.

Safari walk @ Nairobi National Park







Pygmy Hippo

White Rhino

Monday, April 13, 2009


I just liked the clouds in these pictures. So, I decided to post them.


Mystery Animal? Bango?

Pertet nor his friend could tell me what animal this is. They said that it was a mix of a donkey & a horse but, I don't see that. There was a sign that said bango's are a mix of carribou & something else. So, I'm going to go with bango


Thursday, April 9, 2009


I know that this isn't really the greatest picture but, you can still tell what it is. I'll eventually get a better picture to post.