Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cheetah vs. Thomson's Gazelle

This pack of 3 cheetahs killed this thompson's gazelle within an hour before we arrived. Unlike the lions, cheetahs will only eat fresh meat. They eat as much as they'd like after they kill & then leave, letting the vultures come & finish it off.

Lion pack vs. Buffalo

As you can see there isn't much left of this buffalo because, they killed it the day before this picture was taken. It took a pack of 5 lions to take down this one buffalo. Unlike cheetahs, lions will feed on their kills for 3 to 4 days, or until all the meat is gone.

Masai Mara - 2nd Trip

These 3 ladies wanted me take a picture of them even after I told them that I didn't have any money. They said to me "no problem, no problem, take a picture of 3 Masai women". So, I took their picture & then they asked me to pay. I told them that "I already said I didn't have any money so, maybe you should learn what no probem means". The one told me "that pictures of Masai's aren't free". So, I told them "tough ****".
Also, I think that the lady in the middle might be related to Tracy McGrady or Shaquille O' Neal, she seems to have thier eyes.

This here is my new favorite picture.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Goodbye to Africa

I know that I have previoiusly used these pictures but, I wanted to put a couple of my favorite pictures with what may be my last post. I will hopefully be able to add more but, I might not have internet for too much longer. I felt as though I should at least make this last posting just in case. So, here it is.
My time here in Kenya.
Would I recommend someone to come to Kenya? The answer is yes, I would only with a different organization. I have enjoyed my time here & I wouldn’t change anything that has taken place. That being said I can’t say that I don’t wish some things would have turned out differently. I do feel as though I have been misused & underutilized. I came here to help people in need & I don’t really feel as though I was given that opportunity. I have met some truly amazing & inspiring people during my time here & for that reason I don’t regret, or wish that I could take anything back. I believe that we are put in certain places for a reason. We may not know or understand those reasons at the time & we may not ever know but, there is always a reason. Thinking that has helped me pull through at my darkest moments. I came here in hopes of being able to change or make a difference in at least one person’s life. Have I done that? No, I don’t believe that I have. However, I don’t think I will ever know that for sure. Maybe, I didn’t come here to change someone. Maybe, I came here to change or be changed myself. I believe that this has been accomplished & I will never be the same person as I was when I left. These experiences & people have changed my life forever, so for that I can’t be upset by the mishaps that have gone on.
To: Pertet, Maureen, Peter, Mtush, Aggrey, Mike, Melissa, Hussein, DeVette, Amy, Nic, Raquel, the children from the New Life Mission Home & everyone from the Mlolongo Care Centre. I thank you for making my time here more enjoyable & changing my life in one way or another. You have truly made a difference in my life & that is something that is more valuable to me than all the money in the world. I will never forget any of you & the impact that you have made on me. I have made really good friends with some of you & I hope that these friendships will last throughout the years.
I hope that this country will one day be able to get on the right track & I believe that with help from all of us it will eventually get there someday. It's people like you & I who can truly make a difference.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"24 Pertet(s)"

It was kind of funny today Pertet was expressing to Raquel & I how much he loves the tv show 24 & how he would like to act in it. So, we were thinking that he should have his own show here in Kenya called "24 Pertet(s)". The premise would be similar to 24 only there would be one difference. There would be 24 Pertets so, that he could accomplish everything he needs to. Knowing how Pertet is though it might pass more as a comedy/action. Instead of action/drama.
We are writing up the first draft at this very moment. We are taking casting calls & looking for crew. Anyone want in?
To answer everyones question yes this was taken while he was driving.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Man Eaters of Tsavo - The Ghost & the Darkness

Below this are all of the pictures that I didn't get to take on account of John/Pertet being too big of a prick to stop for me. I did go to Chicago a year & a half ago & saw the lions on display at the Field Museum so, I added those pictures as well.

Here are some links with more information. They are pretty interesting.


This was taken while standing in Fort Jesus.



Overlooking Old Mombasa

Fort Jesus

Fort Jesus-Old Mombasa




On the beach behind the hotel.


Mombasa-just outside of Fort Jesus.



Mombasa- I really liked this picture where you can see all of the people running onto the ship.

These were taken around the Mombasa area & by Fort Jesus. I did find out that the interpretation of Mombasa means I don’t understand, which fits my understanding of everyone & everything from Africa—I don’t understand you.
As you can tell I put some pictures of myself in this posting. I did so because, someone (Lindsey) said that I need to put more pictures on here with me in them.
I also had to put more of the sky. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

Baboons part 3

This time we were trying to bait them with bananas. I was afraid to roll my window down to tempt them though. There was one baboon that was lingering around my door like he could sense that something was up. I finally worked up the nerve when he wasn’t looking at tossed a banana out the window for him & another one ran by, snatching it up & running away with it. That one that was lingering came even closer & was looking like he was wondering where in the heck his was so, we drove off before he got mad. We made one more stop & put the banana on the hood of the car trying to bait them into jumping on the hood to get it but, the baboon was too scared & just kept walking around the car like he was thinking of some way to get it from us without coming too close. I guess it is illegal to feed them so good thing we didn’t get caught.
I have a video of the second stop with the banana on the hood of the car but, I couldn’t get it to post.
Also, I didn't zoom in on any of these pictures this is how close they actually were to me.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Under the African sky

Masai Mara Overlooking the Rift Valley
Masai Mara

Masai Mara

Masai Mara

Masai Mara

Masai Mara

Masai Mara

Masai Mara

Masai Mara











There are a lot of beautiful views & the sky here is always gorgeous. I probably have more pictures of the sky than anything else. It may be kind of stupid but, whenever I start to feel down or like I am being screwed over with this whole thing, I just look at the sky & take pictures. It always cheers me up.